Copilot in Dynamics 365 Customer Service

Discover how you can use the power of generative AI to transform agent experiences with Microsoft Copilot Dynamics 365 Customer Service. View this quick-hitting infographic for an at-a-glance of the impact AI is having on the success of customer service teams and the Copilot in Customer Service capabilities behind it. From finding answers to writing emails to generating actionable analytics for decision-making, Microsoft Copilot Dynamics 365 Customer Service is improving the performance of customer service teams in game-changing ways. Contact us to discuss how Breis Tech can help put the power of generative AI to work for your customer service team.

Copilot in Dynamics 365 Customer Service published by Breis Tech


Usamos a tecnologia para tornar a vida das pessoas mais fácil, fomentando a transformação digital no mundo, trazendo inovação.  

Fazemos isso desenvolvendo soluções em parceria com os principais fabricantes de softwares, e estamos sempre abertos a novas ideias, o que nos possibilita desenhar ou encontrar a solução certa para cada demanda.